Channel Flow by Health Concerns

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CHF 9019


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Channel Flow - Modified Huo Luo Xiao Ling Dan 60 caps
Channel Flow - Modified Huo Luo Xiao Ling Dan 60 caps

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Channel Flow™
Modified Huo Luo Xiao Ling Dan
Corydalis Extract Herbal Supplement



  • Arthritis -Acute pain

  • Dysmenorrhea - Acute

  • Fibromyalgia - Pain

  • Arthralgia and Arthritis (Bi syndromes) - Stagnation of qi and blood

  • Back Pain, lower Qi and blood stagnation

  • Abdominal Pain (lower) - Uterus blood stagnation

  • Chest Constriction - Blood stagnation

  • Endometriosis - Qi and blood stagnation

  • Headache - Stagnation in the channels

  • Neuropathy - Cold

  • Menses, Irregular - Uterus blood stagnation

  • Menstrual clots - Intense pain

  • Infertility - Blood stagnation

Therapeutic Actions

1. Has pain relieving and relaxant properties
2. Help relieve joint, muscle, abdominal and gynecological pain and cramping
3. Treat headache, arthritis, and fibromyalgia, especially when used with other formulas


Chinese Therapeutic Effects

Regulate Qi and blood
Warm the channels



Internal: 2 to 3 tablets, TID or QID
60 tablets, 750 mg, 10 day supply

Contraindications: Do not use during pregnancy. Consider combining with a tonic formula for long-term administration.



  • Corydalis extract rhizome yan hu suo

  • Angelica root bai zhi

  • White Peony root bai shao

  • Cinnamon twig gui zhi

  • Tang Kuei root dang gui

  • Salvia root dan shen

  • Myrrh resin mo yao

  • Frankincense resin ru xiang

  • Licorice root gan cao

Formula Rationale

Channel Flow was developed by Misha Cohen, OMD, LAc, and Andrew Gaeddert, out of their clinical experience with fibromyalgia, abdominal pain, and gynecological disorders. This formula was designed for quick results.

Corydalis (yan hu suo) was chosen as the chief herb for the formula, as it is very widely used in China for pain relief. It is 25% of the formula in a 7:1 extract. Corydalis invigorates the blood and alleviates pain. Corydalis also regulates Qi and is used for pain in the chest, abdomen, and epigastric area. It is also used for menstrual pain, as well as hernia-like (bearing down) pain. Corydalis has a mild sedative effect.

Angelica dahurica (bai zhi) relieves pain, especially in the upper body, neck and shoulders. Tang kuei (dang gui) has a special effect in relieving abdominal and uterine pain. Traditionally it is used for dysmenorrhea and arthritic pain. It increases local circulation of blood and has a warming effect. Its functions are to nourish, tonify and invigorate the blood. Tang kuei, with salvia (dan shen) and Myrrh (mo yao), alleviates pain due to blood stagnation in the extremities. White peony (bai shao) alleviates pain, spasms, and cramping.

Cinnamon twig (gui zhi) was chosen for the specific effect of bringing the herbs to the surface of the body and to promote circulation of blood. The traditional functions include warming the channels. It has shown analgesic effects according to western research. Salvia (dan shen) was chosen for its specific effect of relieving menstrual pain. Its traditional functions include invigorating blood and removing blood stasis and heat. According to Western research, salvia increases microcirculation of blood flow and has a sedative effect. Myrrh and frankincense are included for their functions in relieving pain. Frankincense (ru xiang) invigorates the blood and promotes movement of Qi. It alleviates pain and reduces swelling.

Myrrh (mo yao) invigorates the blood, dispels blood stasis, reduces swelling and alleviates pain. Both frankincense and myrrh promote healing. Licorice (gan cao) alleviates pain and spasms and has anti-inflammatory and detoxicant effects.

Additional Formulas

• Channel Flow is a good adjunct to other Health Concerns formulas. For headache, use with Head-Q
• For pain affecting the lower body use with Backbone
• For pain due to dysmenorrhea, endometriosis or fibroids it can be used with Crampbark Plus
• For injuries, use with Resinall K or Resinall E
• For muscle pain and fibromyalgia combine with AC-Q
• For joint or nerve pain, use Channel Flow with Mobility 2 or Mobility 3


No Health claims or other representations Herbal products are food supplements. All statements made describing all products that are sold and or distributed by Acu-Market have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. All herbal and homeopathic products sold by Acu-Market are not meant to treat, cure or prevent disease. Under no circumstances does Acu-Market imply that all (any) products and formulas are meant to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.