Clearing - Modified Qing Xin Lian Zi Yin, Health Concerns

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Heart-Clearing Lotus Seed Herbal Supplement
Modified Qing Xin Lian Zi Yin
90 Tablets



  • Vaginal infection

  • Urinary Tract Infections

  • Yin deficiency

  • Vaginitis - Damp heat and yin deficiency

Therapeutic Actions

1. Address chronic vaginal and urethral irritation and inflammation
2. May be used for chronic bladder infections
3. Treat stomatitis (mouth sores)


Chinese Therapeutic Effects

Clear heat from the heart, lungs, liver, stomach and bladder
Tonify spleen qi and resolves dampness
Circulate and nourishes the blood



Internal: 2 to 3 tablets TID, between meals
90 tablets, 650 mg, 15 day supply

Contraindications: This is a safe, mild formula appropriate for long term use



  • Lotus seed lian zi

  • Ophiopogon tuber mai men dong

  • Poria sclerotium fu ling

  • White Ginseng root bai ren shen

  • Plantago seed che qian zi

  • Scute root huang qin

  • Glehnia root sha shen

  • Smilax rhizome tu fu ling

  • Astragalus root huang qi

  • Moutan root bark mu dan pi

  • Red Peony root chi shao

  • Licorice root gan cao

Formula Rationale

Clearing is specific for a common pattern that presents with recurring or chronic vaginitis. Many women in their thirties and forties with this condition suffer from a combination of spleen qi deficiency leading to dampness, liver heat, deficient heat, and stagnant blood. This may occur with or without menstrual dysfunction. This formula is a modified version of the traditional formula: Heart Clearing Lotus Seed Drink (Qing Xin Lian Zi Yin). It is modified to suit the typical complex syndrome pattern that the practitioner sees in clinical practice.

Lotus seed (lian zi) tonifies the spleen and arrests seminal emissions and leukorrhea. Smilax (tu fu ling) is a detoxicant, especially useful for urinary tract infections. Ophiopogon (mai men dong), white ginseng (bai ren shen) and glehnia (sha shen) generate fluids. Astragalus (huang qi) tonifies Qi and eliminates edema. Poria (fu ling) helps tonify spleen and drains dampness. Lycium bark (di gu pi) and moutan (mu dan pi) clear internal heat. Plantago (che qian zi) is a diuretic, specifically for urinary tract infections. Red peony (chi shao) invigorates blood. Scute (huang qin) eliminates dampness and heat. Licorice (gan cao) is a detoxicant.


Clinical Notes

1. Western medical consultation is of importance when the condition is serious, i.e., severe pain or acute inflammation or threat of stone entering the ureters
2. The formula also addresses chronic diarrhea complaints with dry stomach, spleen dampness, and damp-heat present as a syndrome


Additional Formulas

• Take Coptis Purge Fire Formula or Akebia Moist Heat for short-term use when acute Heat signs are predominant
• Take Jin Qian Cao Stone Formula when indicated for kidney stones


No Health claims or other representations Herbal products are food supplements. All statements made describing all products that are sold and or distributed by Acu-Market have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. All herbal and homeopathic products sold by Acu-Market are not meant to treat, cure or prevent disease. Under no circumstances does Acu-Market imply that all (any) products and formulas are meant to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
