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Item #:
EFS 100575
This product is only available for sale to duly licensed healthcare practitioners
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EFS 100576
EFS 100577
Compare to Seirin Pro Pak™ 10
Energy Flo acupuncture needles are manufactured exclusively for Acu-Market™. We spent years designing these needles to be super smooth and consistently superior. Energy Flo's are made by computer automated machinery to provide a uniformity and consistency only previously available in a select few brands.
Experience a top quality plastic acupuncture needle offered at nearly half the price of more expensive brands. The pricing is surprisingly low for a needle of this quality.
Easy access to 10 acupuncture needles and one separate guide tube in a single flat
Caution: Federal law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of qualified practitioners of acupuncture as determined by the States. You must be a licensed practitioner and we must verify your qualifications to view pricing and/or purchase.