Essence Chamber by Health Concerns

Item #:

ESS 9044


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Essence Chamber 90 caps
Essence Chamber 90 caps

sold only to licensed practitioners & students of tcm!


Essence Chamber™
Saw Palmetto Herbal Supplement



  • Prostate hypertrophy
    Prostate conditions Chronic swelling
    Prostate swelling

Therapeutic Actions

Treat benign prostatic hypertrophy with urinary dysfunction, retention and difficulty of urination, frequent urination, dribbling urination, distension and fullness of the lower hypogastrium.


Chinese Therapeutic Effects

Clear damp heat from the lower burner
Circulate stagnant blood
Clear dampness and promote urination
Tonify kidney yang
Promote the separation of the pure and the turbid in the lower burner
Clear the liver channel in the lower burner


Internal: 3 tablets TID, between meals
90 tablets, 750 mg, 10 day supply
270 tablets, 750 mg, 30 day supply



  • Patrinia herb bai jiang cao

  • Saw Palmetto fruit concentrate Serenoa repens

  • Salvia root dan shen

  • Vaccaria fruit wang bu liu xing

  • Liquidambar fruit lu lu tong

  • Hydrangea fruit Hydrangae arborscentis

  • Damiana leaf Folium Turnerae aphrodisiacae

  • Poria sclerotium fu ling

  • Tokoro rhizome bi xie

  • Abutilon seed dong kua zi

Formula Rationale

Benign prostatic hypertrophy and prostate cancer are common in middle-aged and elderly men. The prostate is not an organ or bowel in TCM. However, the most common symptoms of prostate disease, difficult urination and distension of the lower hypogastrum, are categorized as long bi in Chinese medicine.

The ingredients selected for Essence Chamber are a combination of traditional Chinese and traditional Western herbal medicines. They have been chosen by Chinese traditional differentiation methods in combination with empirical and symptomatic indications. Saw palmetto (Serronoae serrulatae) traditionally has been shown in research experiments to reduce BPH. It is traditionally combined with hydrangea (Hydrangeae arborscentis).

Patrinia (bai jiang cao) rids the body of swelling and damp heat. Salvia (dan shen) and liquidambar (lu lu tong) increase blood circulation. Vaccaria (wang bu liu xing), poria (fu ling), tokoro (bi jie) and abutilon (dong gua zi) drain dampness and aid in voiding the urine. Damiana (Turnerae aphrodisiacae) is a kidney tonic that is used to increase the sex drive.


Clinical Notes

1. For urinary frequency or incontinence use Astra Essence (3 tablets TID)
2. After two weeks on Essence Chamber, the patient should feel a lessening of pinching and burning
3. For significant prostatic swelling, the patient should take the formula long-term for one to two years, followed by an essence tonic in combination or in alternation with Essence Chamber, either using Astra Essence or Flavonex
4. From age 45 to 60, males may take Essence Chamber for a couple of weeks each year to help prevent prostatitis
5. Diet is important. Avoid shellfish, alcohol, fried and spicy foods
6. According to Pritikin, elevated cholesterol causes crystalline formations that settle in the prostate and cause additional swelling. Astra Garlic may be used to lower blood cholesterol levels
7. With prostatitis (bacterial infection) use Akebia Moist Heat and Unlocking
8. With heat signs, combine Essence Chamber with Clear Heat


No Health claims or other representations Herbal products are food supplements. All statements made describing all products that are sold and or distributed by Acu-Market have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. All herbal and homeopathic products sold by Acu-Market are not meant to treat, cure or prevent disease. Under no circumstances does Acu-Market imply that all (any) products and formulas are meant to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.