Picture of Head Clear by Kan

Head Clear by Kan

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Picture of Head Clear by Kan

Item #:


Head Clear 1oz, Kan
Picture of Head Clear by Kan

Item #:


Head Clear 4oz, Kan
Ge gen (Kudzu root)
Jie geng (Platycodon root)
Yu zhu (Aromatic solomon's seal rhizome)
Huang ju hua (yellow chrysanthemum flower)
Ge hua (Kudzu flower)
Xin yi hua (Magnolia flower)
Man jing zi (simple leaf chaste tree fruit)
Fang Feng (Siler root)
Qiang huo (Notopterygium root and rhizome)
Chuan xiong (Sichuan lovage rhizome)
Go ben (chinese lovage root)
Cahi hu (Bupleuerum root)
Sang ye (White mulberry leaf)
Hup xiang (Chinese giant hyssop herb)
Bo he (Chinese mint herb)
Zi su ye (Perilla leaf)
Bai zhi (Fragrat angelica root)
Gan cao (Chinese licorice root)
Lian qiao (Forsythia fruit)

Therapeutic Functions:

Appropriate for any type of occasional congestion in the head, these herbs expel Phlegm and evict the invasion of Wind, Heat, and Cold

Indications (Symptoms):

Helps soothe occasional pain, swelling, and inflammation of the head, neck, glands, eyes, and throat
