Head Q - Modified Qiang Huo, Health Concerns

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Modified Qiang Huo Herbal Supplement
90 Tablets



  • Headache - Excess wind, blood stagnation

  • Shoulders and Neck, Aching - Wind-cold invasion (common cold)

  • Shoulders and Neck, Aching - Wind-heat invasion (common cold)

  • TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint)

  • Trigeminal Neuralgia

  • Open channels / Promote circulation - headache

  • Surface relieving / Exogenous wind invasion - headache

  • Colds and Flu - Stiff neck and headache

Therapeutic Actions

1. For prevention and treatment of headaches and TMJ
2. Treat various head, neck, shoulder, and upper back pain and tension
3. Treat headaches and colds with sinus congestion and itching eyes


Chinese Therapeutic Effects

Clear exterior wind-cold
Moves qi and blood



Internal: 3 to 5 tablets TID for acute headache
3 tablets TID for chronic headache
90 tablets, 715 mg, 10 day supply



  • Magnolia bark hou po

  • Chiang-huo rhizome qiang huo

  • Angelica root bai zhi

  • Ligusticum root chuan xiong

  • Siler root fang feng

  • Angelica pubescens root du huo

  • Vitex fruit man jing zi

  • Kao-pen root gao ben

  • Kao-pen rhizome gao ben

  • Curcuma tuber yu jin

  • Feverfew herb Tanacitum parthenium

Formula Rationale

Head-Q is an empirical formula developed by herbalist Andrew Gaeddert to improve blood circulation and relieve inflammation. Chiang huo (qiang huo), angelica (bai zhi), siler (fang feng) and kao pen (gao ben) are wind-relieving herbs that are traditionally used for upper body pain. Ligusticum (chuan xiong) is one of the premier herbs and is used to treat headache and migraine. Vitex (man jing zi) clears heat and reduces eye pressure. Feverfew, a Western herb in the Chrysanthemum family, has been researched at the London Migraine Center as a preventive for migraines. Curcuma (yu jin) regulates qi and invigorates blood. Magnolia bark (hou po) drains dampness and brings qi downward.

Clinical Notes

1. Some patients will notice Head-Q has an immediate effect, whereas others must take Head-Q on a regular basis
2. Can be used for trigeminal neuralgia and other facial pains
3. Can be used for pain caused by neurogenic medicines
4. Excellent results reported for migraines
5. Head-Q has been used successfully with Clear Heat for herpes infection of the eye


Additional Formulas

• Use Ease Plus and/or Coptis Purge Fire to treat headaches from rising Liver Fire
• Combine with Ease 2 for headache or upper back and neck pains associated with tension and muscular stress
• For tension headaches or for a broad spectrum effect Head-Q combine with Ease Plus, 3 tablets of each formula TID
Gastrodia Relieve Wind addresses Intense Wind headache


No Health claims or other representations Herbal products are food supplements. All statements made describing all products that are sold and or distributed by Acu-Market have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. All herbal and homeopathic products sold by Acu-Market are not meant to treat, cure or prevent disease. Under no circumstances does Acu-Market imply that all (any) products and formulas are meant to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
