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GI Care II - Evergreen Caps 100ct
Instructions from Lori Edwards 4 capsules twice a day Take when having active diarrhea
Calm ES - Evergreen Caps 100ct
Instructions from Lori Edwards 2 - 4 caps twice a day, every day
GI Harmony - Evergreen Caps 100ct
Instructions from Lori Edwards 4 caps 2-3 times a day. Take always to maintain gut health and prevent active bouts of diarrhea.
GI Care (UC) - Evergreen Caps 100ct
Instructions from Lori Edwards 4 caps twice a day. Take when having active diarrhea to slow it down and stop cramps & spasms
GI Care (HMR) - Evergreen Caps 100ct
Instructions from Lori Edwards 4 caps twice a day for hemorrhoids. Take with GI Care II to prevent diarrhea
Wise Woman's Well 120 tablets
Instructions from Lori Edwards 2 pills three times a day
Shen Tong Zhu Yu Wan
Instructions from Lori Edwards 4 pills twice a day. For arthritic, joint & hip pain. This is for maintenance, not an as needed herb.
Instructions from Lori Edwards 4 caps twice a dayFor arthritic, joint & hip pain. This is for maintenance, not an as needed herb.
Osteo 8 - Evergreen Caps 100ct
Instructions from Lori Edwards