SkinEase (Formerly PsoriaQuell) by Blue Poppy

Item #:

PQ 8086


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PsoriaQuell Ointment 2 oz, Blue Poppy
PsoriaQuell Ointment 2 oz, Blue Poppy

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This formula is for the topical treatment of dry, scaly psoriasis. It is based on Qing Liang Gao (Clearing & Cooling Ointment) found in A Collection of Zhao Bing-nan’s Clinical Experiences as described in Li Lin’s Treatment of Psoriasis with Traditional Chinese Medicine. It has then been modified by Bob Flaws based on his own personal clinical experience and research.


Radix Angelicae Sinensis (Dang Gui)
Radix Lithospermi Seu Arnebiae (Zi Cao)
Radix Et Rhizoma Rhei (Da Huang)
Succus Herbae Aloes (Lu Hui Zhi)
Borneolum (Bing Pian)

In a base of: Pure vegetable oil, castor oil, beeswax, and vitamins A, D & E

Contains no coal or pine tars and no steroids.

Nourishes and quickens the blood, moistens dryness and clears heat

Blood heat pattern psoriasis with dry, red lesions & silvery scales

Method of use
Apply to the affected area 1-3 times per day

Formula rationale
Dang Gui nourishes and quickens the blood. It is the ruling medicinal in this formula. Zi Cao, Da Huang, and Lu Hui Zhi clear heat and cool the blood. Zi Cao also resolves the toxins typically associated with psoriasis and is a famous, topically applied Chinese dermatological medicinal. Lu Hui Zhi has been shown to be particularly effective for combating dermatological inflammation and for penetrating the barrier of the skin. Randomized, double-blind trials involving the topical application of Aloe Vera (Succus Herbae Aloes, Lu Hui Zhi) to psoriasis lesions have shown a cure rate of 83% after 12 months compared to a 7% cure rate for the placebo and no relapses.(Footnote1) Bing Pian is a common ingredient in Chinese dermatological treatments in general and in psoriasis treatments in particular. When applied topically, it clears heat and scatters nodulation, stops itching and engenders new flesh. Castor oil (Oleum Semenis Ricini Communis, Bi Ma You) disperses swelling and resolves toxins, moistens dryness and quickens the blood when applied externally. It is used for the external treatment of psoriasis in both Chinese dermatology and Western naturopathy. Vitamins A, D, and E are all also commonly used for the treatment of this recalcitrant skin condition.

Do not use in cases of wet, suppurating, progressive psoriasis.

About Psoriasis
Psoriasis is a non-contagious, chronic skin disease of unknown etiology. Although it Western medical cause is not known, most researchers agree it is an immune-mediated disorder that has a strong genetic component. It is estimated that 4% of the U.S. population or more than seven million Americans suffer from psoriasis. The incidence of psoriasis rises to 28% if one parent has this condition and to 68% if both parents suffer from psoriasis. Although the condition may occur at any age, most patients do not show signs till their 20s, with an average age at diagnosis of 28. Somewhere between 150,000-260,000 new cases of psoriasis are diagnosed per year in the U.S.

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