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Instructions from Rise-above-Acupuncture LLC Antioxidant Power of Vitamin C! Important role in regeneration of Vitamin E & activation of folic acid 1cap/day
Instructions from Rise-above-Acupuncture LLC Powerful 1000mg Vitamin C per tablet. Gentle for GI system. Important for Immune System, Collagen synthesis etc
Instructions from Rise-above-Acupuncture LLC Support for Immune System & daily Wellness & Cellular Health, Wound Healing
Isatis Gold
Instructions from Rise-above-Acupuncture LLC Cold, Flu, Bronchitis, Ear infection, Sore Throat, Cough, Diarrhea, Headache, Fever, Neck & Shoulder aching
Clear Air
Instructions from Rise-above-Acupuncture LLC Bronchitis, Asthma, Cough, Chest Constriction, Wheezing, Cold/Flu, Pneumonia - combine with Western Medications
Instructions from Rise-above-Acupuncture LLC Clinical Potency, Helps Maintain String Bones, Supports Immune System. Take one a day with fat containing meal
Instructions from Rise-above-Acupuncture LLC Relieves symptoms of Rhinitis & Sinusitis such as runny nose, headache, mucus buildup, nasal congestion.
Nasal Tabs 2
Instructions from Rise-above-Acupuncture LLC Sinus problems & infections - acute or chronic. Earache due to Sinus blockage, Sinus Headache, Snoring
Cold Away
Instructions from Rise-above-Acupuncture LLC Cold & Flu, Fever, Sinus infection, chest congestion, coughing, headache, sore throat, tonsillitis, ear inf.
90 caps
Instructions from Rise-above-Acupuncture LLC Ear infection, Eye inflammation, Fibrocystic breast, gum inflammation, Herpes acute, Lupus, Strep Throat, Fever
Astra Isatis 90 caps
Instructions from Rise-above-Acupuncture LLC Viral Infection, Tidal Fever, Herpes outbreak & prevention, CFS, chronic infections, strengthen Immunity
Astra Isatis 270 caps
Instructions from Rise-above-Acupuncture LLC Since centuries in Europe recognized for immune supportive properties. Modern research confirms. Organic
Instructions from Rise-above-Acupuncture LLC Taken when your immune system is challenged & restful sleep is needed with lemon balm and California poopy.
Skin Balance
Instructions from Rise-above-Acupuncture LLC Skin Disorders, Rosacea, Psoriasis, Eczema, Dryness, Itching, Acne with Inflammation
Marrow Plus, Health Concerns 270 caps
Instructions from Rise-above-Acupuncture LLC Tonic to nourish blood. Support for Bone Marrow, after Chemo/Radiation, Anemia, Arthritis, Hypothyroid, Fatique
Xanthium Relieve Surface
Instructions from Rise-above-Acupuncture LLC Hay fever, Allergic Rhinitis, Sinusitis, Hives, aching muscles, Headaches, Eczema, Allergies
Astra C
Instructions from Rise-above-Acupuncture LLC Chronic & Allergic Rhinitis. Recovery after burns & sunburns & protects against infection -internal use.