SPZM - Shao Yao Gan Cao Tang, Health Concerns

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Shao Yao Gan Cao Tang Herbal Supplement
90 Tablets



  • Restless legs

  • Shoulder, neck tension

  • Muscular tension

  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

  • Spasms

  • Neck and shoulder tension

  • Traumatic Injury

  • Trigeminal Neuralgia

Therapeutic Actions

1. For muscle spasms, particularly due to injuries (such as whiplash) affecting the upper body. It may also be used for muscle cramps and restless leg syndrome
2. Neuralgias of the upper body such as trigeminal, intercostal etc.; may be tried for sciatica, although this is mostly an upper body formula
3. Contractions, numbness in the limbs; tremors or lack of strength in the limbs; wrist pain, carpal tunnel syndrome


Chinese Therapeutic Effects

Invigorate blood
Relieve stagnant qi
Moisten and nourishes the sinews
Open up the channels



Internal: 3 to 5 tablets BID to QID, between meals
90 tablets, 750 mg, 15 day supply



  • White Peony root bai shao

  • Pueraria root ge gen

  • Clematis root wei ling xian

  • Spatholobus stem ji xue teng

  • Licorice root gan cao

  • Calcium aspartate

  • Magnesium aspartate

Formula Rationale

SPZM is an empirical formula from Shanghai with added calcium and magnesium.

White peony (bai shao) nourishes blood and alleviates pain. This herb also preserves yin and insures the smooth flow of Qi. If Qi is not flowing smoothly there will be emotional frustration, anger, abdominal distention, lump in the throat, and PMS in women. These factors can also cause Qi stagnation. Peony insures the sinews are moistened and nourished. Pueraria (ge gen), releases the muscle tension and clears heat. It is particularly useful for headache, stiff upper back and neck. Clematis (wei ling xian) dispels wind dampness, opens the channels, and alleviates pain. Spatholobus (ji xue teng) activates, and nourishes the blood. Licorice (gan cao) relieves spasms, particularly of the legs and abdomen, clears heat, and harmonizes the other ingredients. Magnesium is included as it calms spasms and muscles; calcium improves the uptake of magnesium and also has a calming effect.


Clinical Notes

May be taken several times a day as needed to alleviate spasms. Better results may be seen taking 5 tablets BID rather than 3 tablets TID


Additional Formulas

• For increased pain relief combine with Resinall K, Resinall E, or Channel Flow
• Use with Flavonex or Mobility 2 for inflammation
• Combine with AC-Q if there is both upper and lower body pain
• For liver wind use Gastrodia Relieve Wind
• For long term spasms consider Marrow Plus to build blood
• Consider Mobility 2 for sciatica
• Combine with Cir-Q for restless leg syndrome


No Health claims or other representations Herbal products are food supplements. All statements made describing all products that are sold and or distributed by Acu-Market have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. All herbal and homeopathic products sold by Acu-Market are not meant to treat, cure or prevent disease. Under no circumstances does Acu-Market imply that all (any) products and formulas are meant to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
