180 caps
Xanthium Relieve Surface™
Modified Bi Yan Pian Herbal Supplement
Therapeutic Actions
- Treats allergic reactions—allergic rhinitis, sinus congestion (stuffy nose), sinus headaches, chronic aching muscles.
- Treats various itching skin rashes—dermatitis, hives, poison oak, psoriasis, eczema, etc.
- Treats stuffy or runny nose associated with common colds or flu with wind-heat signs.
Chinese Therapeutic Effects
- Clears surface wind-heat
- Opens nasal passages
- Cools heat and dispels wind-dampness
- Removes toxins
Internal: 3 capsules, TID, between meals
For acute conditions, 3 capsules every 4 hours
180 capsules, 650mg
cang er zi
hou po
jie geng
wu wei zi
bai zhi
- Wild Chrysanthemum flower*
ye ju hua
fang feng
jing jie
huang qi
- Bai-Zhu Atractylodes rhizome
bai zhu
gan cao
Other Ingredients: Hypromellose (vegetable cellulose) and rice bran.
Formula Rationale
Xanthium Relieve Surface is a combination of the traditional formulas Bi Yan Pian and Yu Ping Feng San (Jade Screen Formula). Xanthium (cang er zi) and magnolia (hou po) are widely used Chinese herbal decongestants. Platycodon (jie geng) directs the actions of the herbs to the lungs and nose and diffuses lung qi, schisandra (wu wei zi) and licorice (gan cao) have anti-allergenic and adaptogenic properties. Fragrant angelica (bai zhi), siler (fang feng) and schizonepeta (jing jie) have wind relieving properties that help relieve acute nasal and skin symptoms. Further, angelica leads herbs to the nasal passages and sinuses. Astragalus (huang qi) and bai-zhu atractylodes (bai zhu) bolster defensive energy. Wild chrysanthemum (ye ju hua) enters the lung channel and is included for respiratory conditions.
Clinical Notes
- For allergic rhinitis take 2 to 3 capsules Xanthium Relieve Surface and 1 to 2 capsules Astra C QID. Results are often seen in a few days.
- Practitioners report superb results with hives and allergic rhinitis when other therapies proved ineffective.
- Can also be used to clear stuffy or runny nose associated with the common cold or flu with heat signs.
- For rashes, results should appear quickly. If results do not occur within a few days, increase dosage or re-evaluate.
- For poison oak, take 3 capsules every 2 hours. May be most effective when combined with Astra C.
- Also see Health Concerns Newsletters: Treating Allergies with Prepared Chinese Formulas (Victor); Sinus Infections, Part I (Gaeddert); Sinus Infections, Part II (Gaeddert).
Additional Formulas
- Use Nasal Caps 2 for acute and chronic sinus congestion with thick, yellow mucus.
- For copious sputum, combine Xanthium Relieve Surface with Clear Phlegm (Wen Dan Tang).
- Use or combine with Phellostatin when nasal congestion is related to intestinal or systemic candidiasis.
- Combine with Marrow Plus for psoriasis or eczema (3 to 5 capsules of each formula TID).