Yin Chao Jr. by Health Concerns

Item #:

YC 9115


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Yin Chao Jr., Health Concerns 1oz
Yin Chao Jr., Health Concerns 1oz

sold only to licensed practitioners & students of tcm!


Yin Chao Jr.™
Dr. Fung's Cold Remedy for Children
Herbal Supplement



  • Surface relieving / Exogenous wind invasion - colds, cough, flu (for children)

  • Colds / Flu

  • Children - Frequent Infections

Therapeutic Actions

1. Treat colds, fever, cough, vomiting and diarrhea in children
2. Revitalize the digestive system
3. Strengthen the body's immune systems
4. May be used for adults to soothe the lungs during viral or bronchial invasions


Chinese Therapeutic Effects

Clear heat
Harmonize the digestion
Moisten the throat and lung
Invigorate the blood

Administration What is This?

Internal: 1 to 3 full droppers, every 3 to 4 hours, added to juice or to boiling water to partially evaporate the alcohol
One Fluid ounce, 10 day supply
Four Fluid ounce, 40 day supply

Note: This formula is intended for children over 8 months or adults unable to swallow pills


  • Forsythia fruit lian qiao

  • Morus leaf sang ye

  • Barley Shen Qu shen qu

  • Fritillaria bulb chuan bei mu

  • Platycodon root jie geng

  • Eriobotrya leaf pi pa ye

  • Microcos Paniculata po bu ye

  • Pu Er tea pu er cha

  • Trichosanthes peel gua lou pi

  • Pinellia rhizome ban xia

  • Chrysanthemum flower ju hua

  • Mentha herb bo he

  • Peucedanum root qian hu

  • Aurantium fruit zhi shi

  • Gardenia fruit zhi zi

  • Eupatorium herb pei lan

  • Perilla leaf zi su ye

  • Alcohol

  • Glycerine

Formula Rationale

This is an empirical formula based on Dr. Fung’s 60 years of clinical experience.

This formula is a gentle yet effective remedy for addressing children’s colds. It is a well-rounded combination that has a multi-pronged approach: to clear heat, harmonize the digestion, moisten the throat and lung, and to invigorate the blood and tonify the Qi.

The chief herb forsythia (lian qiao) clears heat and toxin. Morus leaf (sang ye) expels wind and clears heat from the lung. Chrysanthemum (ju hua) disperses wind and clears heat, and is helpful in alleviating headache that accompanies colds. Mentha (bo he) disperses wind-heat and clears the head and eyes and benefits the throat. Herbs in the formula that address cough include peucedanum (qian hu), fritillaria (zhe bei mu), and eriobotrya (pi pa ye), with the latter also treating vomiting. Pinellia (ban xia) is also for coughs, especially with copious sputum. For digestive problems, Barley Shen-qu (shen qu) and immature aurantium (zhi shi) remove food stagnation; the latter also relieves constipation. Trichosanthes peel (gua lou pi) moistens the lung. Platycodon (jie geng) opens up and disseminates the lung qi and expels phlegm. Gardenia (zhi zi) clears heat and eliminates irritability. Eupatorium (pei lan) dispels heat and dampness. Pu Er Tea (pu er cha) is a type of Chinese tea that has versatile effects; in this formula, it addresses food stagnation, relieves wind-phlegm, and drains heat. Perilla leaf (zi su ye) releases the exterior and disperses cold.


Clinical Notes

1. This formula is not as cold as other yin chao formulas
2. This formula can be taken by adults who can't swallow tablets

No Health claims or other representations Herbal products are food supplements. All statements made describing all products that are sold and or distributed by Acu-Market have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. All herbal and homeopathic products sold by Acu-Market are not meant to treat, cure or prevent disease. Under no circumstances does Acu-Market imply that all (any) products and formulas are meant to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.